15.09.–25.12.2024 / Opera


Giuseppe Verdi
Fri 01.11.2024
Opernhaus Düsseldorf
17:00 - 19:30
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Wechselnde Wochentage-Abo 1
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18:30 - 21:00
For the last time this season Opera
„Va, pensiero“: A plea for freedom
Dramma lirico in four parts
Libretto by Temistocle Solera
In Italian with German surtitles
approx. 2 ½ hours, one interval
For all from 14 upwards
This piece uses strobe effects in Act 1 and Act 2 (before the interval). Please note that certain flash frequencies could trigger a seizure in people at risk of epilepsy.
Two peoples find themselves in the barbaric grip of war after Nabucco and his troops attack Jerusalem. The Babylonian ruler and Zaccaria, the leader of the Hebrews, do not budge an inch from their opposing viewpoints in this profound conflict, while the daily grind of war continues to bring new suffering to both peoples. The seemingly hopeless conflict does not even stop at their own families: Zaccaria holds Nabucco's favorite daughter Fenena hostage, while she has long since changed sides out of love for Ismaele and lives among the enemy people. Nabucco's other daughter, Abigaille, envies her sister's happiness and her father's throne and forges disastrous plans...

Giuseppe Verdi sets the stage for the chorus in his narration of the Old Testament events. The collective sets the tone with unrivalled dramatic force - for hope, for solidarity and for humanity.
Der Oberpriester des Baal
Junge Abigaille
Lina Emilie Göke
Junge Fenena
Livia Matys
Junger Ismaele
Fabian Hamazidki Jean

Fur­ther Re­com­men­da­tions