01.11.–03.11.2024 / UFO – Junge Oper Urban
Für alle

Eternal October

A composer in residence
Sun 03.11.2024
Frankenplatz, Düsseldorf
18:00 - 19:00
UFO – Junge Oper Urban
18:00 - 19:00
UFO – Junge Oper Urban
18:00 - 19:00
UFO – Junge Oper Urban
18:00 - 19:00
UFO – Junge Oper Urban
For all
How do you start something new and where does an opera actually begin? How do you know when an ending is happy and why should you leave when it's at its best? The team around composer Alexander Chernyshkov is developing an interactive performance based on these and other questions. The audience is invited to witness the process of creating an opera and to help shape it themselves.

Throughout October, Alexander Chernyshkov and his team will be exploring the building blocks of an opera in a performative residency at the UFO and inviting all interested parties to become co-authors. Musical re-enactments of the audience's personal stories, newly interpreted opera finales, interviews with experts and live pop songs about new love and the end of the world will become an open-ended meditation on the possibilities of opera and the power of stories.

Aufführungen 31. Oktober bis 2. November 2024
ab 6. Oktober wiederkehrende öffentliche Proben und Workshops im UFO
Alexander Chernyshkov
Philipp Lossau
Libretto und Dramaturgie
Maria Buzhor
Thorbjörn Björnsson
Ralf Zartmann

Fur­ther Re­com­men­da­tions