Vivien Arnold

Vivien Arnold received her dance training at the School of American Ballet and the Heinz Bosl Foundation, among others. With the Hartford Ballet she danced in works by George Balanchine, August Bournonville, José Limon, Peter Martins and Michael Uthoff. She then studied at Wesleyan University, graduating with a thesis entitled "The Ballet Body: Changing Perspectives on the Feminine Ideal" under Professor Sally Banes. From 1988 she worked at Houston Ballet, first as marketing manager, then as press officer. In 1996 she joined the Stuttgart Ballet, where she was head of the press, dramaturgy and public relations department until 2002. From 2006 to 2010 she was involved in the development of Gauthier Dance at the Theaterhaus Stuttgart as dramaturg, consultant and press spokesperson. She also worked as a freelance dramaturg, including for Kevin O'Day's "Hamlet" at the Stuttgart Ballet and as project manager for the 50th anniversary of the Stuttgart Ballet. Since September 2010 she has been Director of Dramaturgy and Communication at the Stuttgart Ballet. She worked with Demis Volpi as dramaturg on "Krabat" (2013), "The Soldier's Tale" (2015) and "Salome" (2016).


Ballet based on a book by Otfried Preußler
Sun 10.11.2024
Theater Duisburg
18:30 - 21:15
Sold outDownload iCal
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Gemischtes Abo G
Fri 15.11.2024
Theater Duisburg
11:00 - 13:45
Audiodescription, School performance Ballett
Schulklassen: 5,50 € p.P.
Für die Gruppenbuchung wenden Sie sich bitte an
Wed 18.12.2024
Opernhaus Düsseldorf
19:30 - 22:15
Revival Ballett
Wechselnde Wochentage-Abo 1
Sat 21.12.2024
Opernhaus Düsseldorf
19:30 - 22:15
Audiodescription Ballett
Samstags-Abo 1
Mon 23.12.2024
Opernhaus Düsseldorf
19:30 - 22:15
Wechselnde Wochentage-Abo 4
Thu 26.12.2024
Opernhaus Düsseldorf
18:30 - 21:15
Fri 03.01.2025
Opernhaus Düsseldorf
19:30 - 22:15
Audiodescription Ballett
Sat 04.01.2025
Opernhaus Düsseldorf
19:30 - 22:15
For the last time this season Ballett