09.03.–04.04.2025 / Opera

Das Rheingold

Richard Wagner
Fri 28.03.2025
Theater Duisburg
19:30 - 22:00
Kleines-Abo-1, Wechselnde Wochentage-Abo D
19:30 - 22:00
Kleines-Abo-1, Wechselnde Wochentage-Abo D
19:30 - 22:00
For the last time this season Opera
Gemischtes Abo H
Love or power: the beginning of the epic drama...

Eve of the scenic festival
“Der Ring des Nibelungen”
Text by the composer
In German with surtitles
approx. 2 ½ hours, no interval
For all from 12 upwards
Only he who renounces love will be able to steal the powerful gold from the Rhine and fashion it into a ring that will enable him to rule the world. Alberich takes the risk: when the Rhine maidens scornfully reject his advances the humiliated dwarf promptly decides to swap love for power. By cursing love, he opens the gateway to a fate that will also afflict the ruler of the gods Wotan, when the lavish construction of his fortress Valhalla places him in financial distress. In this prologue to ‘Ring des Nibelungen’ Richard Wagner crafts the main themes of his four-part opera cycle – the impossibility of reconciling love with possessiveness – into a boldly plotted critique of 19th century capitalism.

Musikalische Leitung
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Talk about the "Ring" - Das Rheingold
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This video is available in German with English subtitles.
In the first episode of this video-series Axel Kober and Dorian Dreher dive deep to salvage the legendary "Rheingold" from the riverbed of the Rhine. They talk about the not-at-all quirky manner of the Rheintöchter's talking and conquer Nibelheims depths with all their (musical) challenges and a very special surprise guest.

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