Young Opera

Guided tours for school classes

A view behind the scenes: Opernhaus Düsseldorf & Theater Duisburg
Before or after a performance, it is particularly exciting to find out what goes on behind the scenes. During an approximately one-hour age-appropriate guided tour of the Düsseldorf Opera House or Duisburg Theatre, pupils of all grades learn how an opera, a play or a ballet is created and get to know various theater professions.

The tours are held in German and are suitable for elementary school children and upwards.

For younger children (KITA/kindergarten) or other special offers for schools and teachers, please contact the Junge Oper at:

Opernhaus Düsseldorf

School classes up to 30 pupils 48,00 €, over 30 pupils additional 48,00 €.

Information and bookings
Coordination of opera house tours
Tel. +49 211 89 25 603
Costume collection at Opernhaus Düsseldorf
View from the stage into the auditorium at Theater Duisburg

Theater Duisburg

School classes up to 30 pupils 48,00 €, over 30 pupils additional 48,00 €.

Information and bookings
Coordination of opera house tours
Tel. +49 211 89 25 603